INspeyerED Camp Programs

There’s nothing like spending Summer Break or summer vacation at Speyer! INspeyerED Camp Programs at Speyer are committed to maintaining the same level of excellence for accelerated learners as is provided throughout the academic year. Speyer's camp line-ups are designed to delight the curious gifted mind, as well as keep each camper physically active. Creativity and ingenuity are at the heart of our programming and our camps are fully staffed by our fabulous Speyer teachers.

INspeyerED Spring Camp runs from Monday, March 17, to Friday, March 21; registration is now closed. Looking ahead, INspeyerED Summer Camp will run the weeks of June 16 and June 23 (with no camp on June 19 in observance of Juneteenth). Check back here for more information later in the spring!

INspeyerED Camps are open to Speyer and non-Speyer students. If you have questions about INspeyerED Camps, please contact our INspeyerED Camp Coordinator Sara Cardillo at