How do I know if my child is gifted?
This may be the number one question we are asked when families begin to explore Speyer and it is the hardest one to answer. There are many definitions of giftedness and perhaps just as many ways educators and professionals identify whether or not a child is gifted. And we know the term "gifted" often comes with misconceptions and misunderstandings.
At Speyer, giftedness is about academic potential and giftedness looks different from Speyer student to Speyer student. Perhaps math is a student's strength or they are solid across the board academically …or they excel in language arts and shine in leadership roles. Regardless of how a student's gifted abilities are presented, the learning environment at Speyer develops the whole gifted child.
We believe there is no one way to be gifted and each gifted child is unique – however there are some qualities that are common among Speyer students.
High-Reasoning Ability & Aptitude
Our students learn uncommonly fast and display an unusually advanced ability to solve problems. They tend to thrive when in an environment of similar learners with equivalent reasoning and aptitude. In most cases, such abilities are measurable by standardized assessments such as high-quality IQ tests or other diagnostic methods.
Curious & Inquisitive
Our students have questions. Lots of questions. Often, those questions are not typical of questions other children ask. Our students dive deep into their questions, and find that their initial inquiries spark even more thoughts, ideas, queries, and connections. There is an intellectual playfulness to our students' approaches to learning.
Persistent & Passionate
No matter how they approach it, our students are determined, focused on their goals, and steadfast in the process of their inquiry. Some students are devoted to specific hobbies and interests for extended periods of time; some students demonstrate a varying range of interests that shifts according to how their curiosity is satisfied. The depth and intensity of their passion is relentless.
Fun & Humorous
Speyer students are funny and they have fun engaging in the learning process. They are playful, they are witty, and they see the humor and irony in life and embrace it.
Creative & Innovative
Our students find new ways to look at a challenge, solve a problem, or approach a challenging situation. They are unafraid to take things apart, tinker, make, and learn how things work or could work differently and they imagine new solutions to familiar quandaries.
Keen Observers & Verbal
Speyer students are articulate with strong vocabularies and advanced understanding of language. They are able to communicate complex ideas and information with intense clarity, often with advanced sentence structures and nuance. They notice and can recall nearly every detail.
Intense & Engaged
Our students engage with the world 110% and with that engagement comes opinions and assessments of what is happening around them. They have a fervent sense of justice and display emotional depth and sensitivity at a young age.
Speyer was founded to provide an environment specifically designed for gifted students to foster their natural talents, to build a strong educational foundation through differentiated instruction, and to provide a limitless ceiling for growth and exploration. Yes, Speyer is a school for gifted learners — however the word "gifted" is not the most important part of that statement. Our focus is on the word "learners." We are passionate about challenging our students every day in their insatiable quest for learning.