Our application deadline has passed for the 2025-2026 school year. Please complete our online inquiry form for more information!
Spring Tours for families interested in Speyer for the 2026-2027 school year will take place on April 22, April 23, and May 15. Registration will open in Ravenna on April 1. Please be sure to create an account and list Speyer as a school you are "exploring".
We look forward to welcoming you soon!
Tuition and Financial Aid
Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is $62,900. Tuition includes lunch, books, and most field trips. Families will be responsible for individual supplies and some class trips as well as other ancillary costs. For the Lower School, additional fees are due should your child participate in afterschool activities through INspeyerED Afterschool.
Tuition for Middle School includes the option for students to participate in afterschool clubs and teams.
Speyer seeks to build an intellectually vibrant and collaborative community that reflects the socioeconomic diversity of New York City. Tuition assistance grants range from partial to almost full tuition. Each year Speyer has distributed over $3 million in financial aid.
To apply for aid, parents must complete an application with School and Student Services (SSS) at https://sssandtadsfa.my.site.com/family.
At the conclusion of the SSS process, both Speyer and the applicant family are provided with a summary of the calculated income available for each child’s education. Please review this number carefully as it is generally used as the basis from which tuition assistance offers are made. Most tuition assistance offers for accepted applicants are at or below this figure. Only in unique circumstances might you expect more. If you believe that the SSS number does not accurately reflect your financial situation we recommend that you submit an additional letter to the Admissions Office describing any and all extenuating circumstances, and include specific supporting documentation and details.
Families must reapply for aid each year by completing the SSS application and uploading the required supporting documents. Tuition assistance will be renewed each year according to ongoing demonstrated need. If a family’s financial situation remains similar from one year to the next, a similar level of tuition assistance is likely to be awarded. Once the committee has made all award decisions, you can expect to receive a letter communicating your family's financial aid award and net tuition due.
To apply to Speyer, please create an account through Ravenna, and select “Explore” Speyer for more information or contact our office at admissions@speyerschool.org. For a step-by-step guide on how to navigate Ravenna, click here!
Speyer’s main admissions entry points are Kindergarten and Sixth Grade. We do accept applications for all grades; however, enrollment availability varies based on each grade’s specific enrollment.
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